For information or to order the water products Bill mentions during his talks, please visit www.bengsproducts.com.
Conditions and Ailments
Although there are many conditions that respond to the method, most of the research has been done with cancer as there are reliable models from which to extract historical data. Anecdotally, in addition to cancer, Alzheimer’s (though not age-related dementia), heart conditions, arthritis and other conditions respond. There are dramatic effects on inflammation. Numerous mental health conditions such as depression and bipolar disorder also seem to respond to treatment. There has not been as much success to date with diabetes and Parkinson’s. There are also many conditions for which the method has not yet been tried.
The Bengston Method is not magical. A dose response is involved, and the dose appears to be dependent on the condition and the person. In other words, more than one treatment is usually needed, and the number of treatments varies. In the cancer research, there is a difference in healing time by a factor of 2.5 — even in mice that are essentially clones of each other. See the image below — In the same experiment at day 38 day, A3 mouse has a large tumor and A6 mouse is healed.
Healing is not linear — in both the mice research and in clinical experience. Sudden phase transitions occur. See image below.
In-person Treatment Versus Long Distance Treatment
Based on the current research, the method works effectively regardless of distance.
If the Bengston Method is so effective, why haven’t I heard of it before?
New methods, in any field, take a long time before they are well known and become part of mainstream information. It is likely that most people are not aware of new innovations or information in any healing modality, alternative or allopathic, or any scientific and research break-through.
Learning the Method
The method can either be learned through a workshop (see listing under workshops), or from the CD set “Hands-On Healing” available through Sounds True or Amazon. If they are able to, many people who learn from the CD set choose to also take a workshop or the Advanced Practice Day if they are proficient. Student feedback indicates that experiential learning is helpful.
Can anyone learn it, or does it require special talent?
Anyone can learn the method if they are willing to commit to spending time practicing. The method takes some effort to learn and much practice is necessary, as in any skill that one wants to master.
Can I treat myself with Bengston healing?
Treating oneself is not easy as it is difficult not to be attached to oneself. The method does include the use of some healing surrogates for self-healing. These are better learned in the workshop than the CD set.
The book, The Energy Cure, tells the story about how Dr. Bengston got into healing and covers the development of the method, much of his early experiences in the lab and with clinical situations.

Many of the past and current papers on Bill’s research can be found in the research section on the website. These papers have been published in peer reviewed journals. In addition, articles that Bill has written and/or contributed to are also posted.
Recent research is not posted until a paper has been published. However, recent research is often presented and discussed in the evening lecture before a workshop. (See workshop schedule for listing.)
Does Dr. Bengston offer treatments?
Dr. Bengston does not offer treatments, medical diagnosis, or any other personal consultations. Rather, his time and attention are devoted to research and education.
How do I find a practitioner who uses the Bengston Method?
We do not provide a directory of Bengston practitioners, but if you contact us we can offer you some recommendations.
Can I receive treatment even if I do not live near a Bengston practitioner?
Our research has shown that remote treatment is highly effective.
How many sessions are required to get a result?
This varies widely for reasons we don’t yet understand. Some ailments have been cured in a single session (this is rare), and others require numerous sessions over a period of weeks or months.
How long does a healing session last?
Again, this varies widely for reasons we don’t yet understand. An experienced practitioner will have a sense of when a particular session is complete — sometimes it can take five minutes, and other times it can take more than an hour.
What can I do, as a client, to improve my likelihood of a good outcome?
We strongly recommend that you learn and practice Bengston Image Cycling. It is not necessary to master the method, but even a basic attempt to practice image cycling appears to be very beneficial, both for the client’s outcome and their emotional wellbeing.